Explore Hang Tau – Village primitive in Moc Chau, Son La

Lately people tend to go for healing, Kame doesn't have anything "broken" to heal so he just goes "hiding". Escape deadlines, everyday dust, project pressures,... go to the "primitive village" "3 no" on Moc Chau plateau: no electricity, no phone signal, no internet - Hang Tau.

If people are too familiar with a town of Moc Chau full of endless green tea hills, plum gardens laden with fruit, fields of white mustard flowers that look like flowing silk, then Ban Ang Pine Forest, Dai Yem Waterfall, Moc Chau Heart Tea Hill, Pha Luong Peak,… Now a new, strangely charming, very pristine place – Hang Tau Moc Chau (Nguyen Thuy village) – is a new highlight for tourists from far away looking for the “Northwest muse”.

  1. Where is Hang Tau?

Hang Tau Location: in Chieng Hac, Moc Chau district, Son La province, Vietnam

Hang Tau, in the local language, means empty land, or basin. About 20km from the center of Moc Chau town (Son La province), from Ta So intersection to Hang Tau is a distance to both experience and admire before tourists “penetrate” the original village.

Certainly when first hearing Hang Tau Moc Chau (or Primitive Village), people will mistakenly think this place is a cave, but in fact this place is a farming and agricultural production area larger than 1 hectare with only about 22 households of the H’Mong ethnic group are living.

2. When should go to Hang Tau?

According to local people, each season Hang Tau has its own beauty.

  • In spring (February-March), people will see plum blossoms blooming next to corn fields.
  • Summer (May-June): plum season is red and delicious. The ripe plum season lasts about a month until the ripe peach season.
  • In late fall or early winter (October – January next year), there are countless flowers blooming here, giving you plenty to stop and take photos.
  • However, around July-August: it is the rainy and landslide season, so the road is often slippery, muddy, and dangerous

3. Means of transportation to Hang Tau:

To get to Hang Tau, we almost all start from the center of Moc Chau town, Son La province.

For those of you from the South of Vietnam, you will have to travel by plane to Hanoi and take a sleeper bus or rent a private car or limousine to get to Moc Chau town center. After arriving in Moc Chau, you can rent a taxi for convenient transportation if you are comfortable with the budget and are not used to driving a motorbike on steep roads. Personally, I rent a motorbike because I am so familiar with the passes, motorbikes are convenient to explore some places that cars cannot reach.

Although it is only about 18km from the center of Moc Chau town, to get to Hang Tau, visitors have to go through an arduous journey of 3-4km of rocky and steep dirt roads. There are sections where you almost have to walk.

If you take a taxi or car, about 3km from Hang Tau, cars cannot continue. At this time, you should rent a motorbike taxi to move deeper inside. Motorbike taxi service is very convenient with a price of about 150,000 VND/2 way. If you ride a motorbike and have a strong handlebar, you can drive yourself to your destination. The important thing is that your bike is strong enough.

4. Accommodation (Where to stay?)

Currently, there is no homestay service with full amenities. If you want to stay, you will stay at the house of ethnic people, eating, drinking, and sleeping like them. There will be no electricity, internet, or phone signal. You will feel like a person going camping. Or you can stay at a slightly better homestay outside Ta So village.

5. Journey details:

The road to Ta So is very beautiful, cars can easily drive up, the slope is not too difficult

The exact address of Hang Tau, people just need to search Google map “Bản người Mông Nguyên Thủy” to find it.

The first destination from Moc Chau town center is Ta So intersection, specifically the Ta So greeting rock.

Check in tảng đá chào vào Bản Tà Số
Cảnh đẹp hùng vĩ nhìn từ tảng đá chào Tà Số

The National highway 6, address, department, Moc Chau range 7km is rock salute to the Ta Number towering on high, sugar is poured concrete is beautiful, easy for moving vehicles. Right next to the slope, Slate driftwood rare black ‘WELCOME TO EVIL NUMBER-WELCOME to’ overwhelming is where check in familiar of travelers.

Cảnh đẹp mênh mông giữa rừng núi bao là và bầu trời xanh ngắt như hòa làm một.
Phóng tầm mắt xa xa cảnh núi non nhấp nhô, thiên nhiên hùng vĩ
Nhìn xuống bên dưới là những thung lũng xanh rì của cánh đồng ngô, khoai, sắn, mận, đào

Right fork Ta Number of people turn right into the road leading to the village Primitive. Here will be available fleet embracing local, with price to 150,000 d/people both go on and on. The bad start and ramps up and down. The rainy day, muddy really difficult, slippery.

Bản Tà Số yên bình với những nếp nhà ngói, vách ván đơn sơn

Ta Number – a village of friendly, hospitable and yet is travel goods. From old to young children, from who held the sharp head or civilians are natured naivete. To meet unloading tourists they are affable, ready instructions seem to picking plum or peach are fun and… nature, hardworking, diligent is made clear by the engrossed labor on the terraces, upland corn halfway up the hill, or garden, plum garden, digging in the valley.

Hôm trước trời mưa nên cỏ cây xanh rì khắp mọi nơi
Cảnh đẹp bình yên hai bên đường trên lối vào bản Hang Táu

Today I go right season, ripe plum, lucky enough to meet local people harvesting plums in the garden, has stopped please take a photo and a few plums. Eat plums from a tree it’s delicious xĩu people. Fresh, delicious, sour, sweet. Local people here are very enthusiastic and hospitable.

Mận chín đỏ au trên cây
Thu hoạch mận Mộc Châu
Cảnh đẹp bình yên, nguyên sơ hai bên dường là vườn hồng, vườn mận, nương ngô, xa xa thấp thoáng bóng nhà sàn của người dân là điểm thu hút nhất với mình trong suốt hành trình đọng lại khi tìm về Hang Táu

The stop to the next, his is the state of the family the Ass right slope down to the valley to hang on Tau. want to explore should I send the car back here. Buy little water backing and comes walking down the steep, watch the beauty 2 the side of the road.

Con dốc trông vậy chứ cao và khó nhằn lắm. Nhưng bên dưới con dốc chính là thung lũng mận siêu rộng lớn. Cảnh cũng đẹp mê mẫn nữa.
Vượt qua con dốc là một thung lũng mận xanh rì, lấp ló con đường mòn quanh co rồi mới vào đến Hang Táu
Mình thấy bình yên đến lạ khi dạo bước trên con đường mòn, hai bên là vườn mận, rải rác là thửa ngô xanh rì, lấp ló vài cây hồng còn xanh chưa chín. Hoa xuyến chi mọc dại bên đường. Bọn trẻ nô đùa tung tăng. Cảnh đẹp dung dị bình yên này dọng lại trong lòng mình mãi
Yên bình dung dị
Cổng chào Hang Táu, có sẵn người bên địa phương quản lý, với vé vào cổng là 30.000d/người

Ticket to is 30.000 d/person, send 10.000 d/car. Now is Jupiter European interest should have had the propaganda and people travel to know to Hang Tau more. Are restaurants open on 2 sides of the road as soon as the last gate, the food of people in work should always be if you want to experience, then you can try.

The households here we present some store food, small available for hire costumes for people to take photos, earn more income. All listed prices rather not hack and slash. If there is time people to support local.

Take a note when on is you do not should bring the food of animal origin in. Actually, not because people want to monopolize the sale of food now, which is because the place in quite isolated, so often the resistance of cattle, poultry, pets in will be different than the outside and that would not withstand the type of braided translation from animals outside infect (cause disease and death)

Hang Táu hiện ra trước mắt là khung cảnh bình yên, hoang sơ với nhà sàn, gia súc, gia cầm, vật nuôi tự do kiếm ăn quanh thung lũng

The village also has cows calmly graze, flock of ducks lined pull together home after naughty in a few yards of water in the valley of the village.

Những người bạn nhỏ ở Hang Táu
Những chú lợn nhỏ cùng mẹ đi lang thang bới đất sìn kiếm ăn và vui chơi.

Bọn trẻ bảo thích ăn mì gói, nhưng mà ít có được ăn vì ba mẹ không có tiền mua cho. Thứ bình thường trẻ con thành thị chả thèm lại là một thứ quý giá khát khao của trẻ con vùng cao còn nhiều khó khăn thiếu thốn vật chất. Tuy nhiên nụ cười ngay thơ luôn nở trên môi các em dù chưa được đầy đủ như các bạn nơi khác

Hang Táu cũng rất nên thơ khi có những làn khói xám bốc lên từ những cái bếp, bay qua mái nhà, bay vào rừng cây.
Ngôi nhà lớn nhất ở Hang Táu có treo cờ tổ quốc là nhà cô Mị; cô cùng con gái hay ngồi ở gốc nhà để thêu thùa, để tách ngô, vừa nấu cơm và nấu đồ cho các vật nuôi trong nhà. Tuy nhiên hôm nay không có cô Mị người thật việc thật, chỉ có Kame “cô Mị fake” thôi.
Đến với thung lũng Hang Táu bạn sẽ được trải nghiệm sự bình yên nên thơ, đi loanh quanh chụp ảnh, chơi cùng những chú chó, chú mèo, ngắm nhìn bình yên và thông thả. Chạy trốn những xô bồ đến nơi yên ả nhất, thơ và trong lành nhất.

Few points to share personal:

  • The road in is most beautiful because of the 2 side is the garden plums, summer plums wrong laden, come spring, as the 2 side-lined, white flowers, very romantic. People take the trouble to walk down the slope range 700m but deserve so much nha 🥰🥰🥰
  • Trộm vía go right at the beautiful sky, green grass, ri. Version mere somewhere more than 20 households, okay, most of them cultivated the garden right nearby.
  • Peace, simplicity is felt the first to come here. Chatting with the children in pursuit of the black pig is also fun, not least 😅😅😅
  • This is perhaps where Kame saw worth in Moc Chau for those who love to explore.
  • Friday, yet beautiful in this perhaps is due to tourists check in. Why wear Chinese dresses take a picture right on Vietnamese soil, what you wear check in helping local people to promote tourism is also not in the show and toys, China is. 🙂

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